Our Vision
The National Marriage Campaign upholds marriage and family as the cornerstone of culture. By lifting up the beauty of marriage and helping a new generation of youth embrace the benefits of abstinence in preparation for marriage, we see a practical pathway toward restoring the institution of marriage across America.

Our Commitments
Our commitment to parents & guardians
Parents & guardians, we are committed to helping you take the lead in talking to your kids about relationships, sex, and marriage. Your input is vitally important in providing a roadmap for your teen’s future. They count on you to be the voice of reason in a confusing culture. Also, we guide you in finding out what your schools are teaching in regards to marriage and abstinence in health class and how to request that the school chooses to present an abstinence only curriculum - which is in the best interest of the students.

Our commitment to educators & youth leaders
Educators & Youth Leaders, we are committed to providing you with the rich resources needed to communicate the benefits of choosing abstinence for marriage with students. Helping them to critically think through what is best for their future.

Our commitment to policy makers
Policy makers, we are committed to providing you with solid data and studies that support the benefits of marriage to our nation. Along with the evidence that waiting for all sexual activity until marriage is the safest, healthiest, and most beneficial choice for young people to make for themselves and their future family.
Our Values
Lift Up Marriage
Marriage is a beautiful, good, and worthy goal to aspire to in a person's life.
Pro Family
Having babies is a blessing and important for the well being and sustainability of the culture.
Teach Young People Well
Young people need strong adults to guide them in good decision making for their lives.
We believe in honesty, transparency and reliablity. We care about people and presenting them with the truth.
Support Good Policy
We care enough to take legislation for marriage and the family seriously. We will use our voices and resources to advocate for marriage and the family.
Our Story
After counseling many families struggling with teen pregnancy and destructive behaviors, Scott Phelps joined ChicagoCare Pregnancy Center (now Caris) to develop and implement abstinence programs in public schools across Chicago and the Chicago suburbs. Seeing the incredible response to this message, Scott went to work for Kathleen Sullivan at Project Reality, a statewide program in Glenview where he served as National Program Director working to expand the reach of abstinence programs. During this time, Scott wrote two popular abstinence curricula: A.C. Green’s GamePlan and Navigator and worked to expand the reach of Project Reality nationally. Today these programs are now widely used around the country.
In April 2004, A&M Partnership was founded with a vision of providing training and support for educators around the country with the purpose of reaching every teenager in the country with the abstinence and marriage message. A&M Partnership is a leading provider of abstinence education certification trainings for educators having trained more than 4,000 educators nationwide.
The Abstinence & Marriage Education Partnership exists to ensure that every teenager in the country has the opportunity to hear a clearly reasoned, positive presentation on the benefits of abstinence until marriage and instruction on preparing for a healthy future marriage.
In June 2005, A&M Resources was founded to provide the materials necessary for parents and educators to teach students the abstinence and marriage message themselves. Quest, Aspire, Excel, were developed to compliment for this purpose. Through the success of this program, A&M has become one of the leading providers of abstinence education programs around the country, training hundreds of teachers and providing materials for programs in all 50 states.
In December 2006 Scott and a small group of abstinence leaders co-founded the National Abstinence Education Association in Washington, D.C. for the purpose of strengthening support for abstinence education programs through federal policy. Scott served as co-founder and Chairman of the Board of the NAEA. Scott was actively involved in the development of the guidelines for the federal Community Based Abstinence Education Program contributing some of the core principles of the program.
In Fall 2008, Project Reality founder Kathleen Sullivan retired and asked Scott Phelps to carry on the good work she had begun bringing the Game Plan and Navigator programs into the A&M curricula series, enabling A&M to reach even more teenagers throughout the country. Kathleen Sullivan and Phyllis Schlafly pioneered the field of abstinence education and helped pave the way on a national level for abstinence education in public schools.
Today, A&M provides training and resources for pregnancy centers, public and private schools, churches, and community organizations throughout the country.
You can help us train parents, teachers, and community leaders by financially
supporting A&M Partnership